VALENTINE’s DAY and ISLAM – Is it Really Haram?
we are; another topic another debate that has been ongoing for decades and will
last forever.
is Valentine’s Day? You don’t have to dig deeper to find the roots; it’s simply
a day dedicated to celebrate Love. It is not a religious virtue. It has its own
history that connects it to Christianity but it is not the part of the
religion. So now comes the integral question; is Valentine’s Day Haram in
Islam? NO! But, it is not that simple.
we Muslims do not give much importance to days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day
or any other such day because we believe that every day is a Mother’s day,
every day is a father’s day; you don’t need a single day to express your
feelings. But there is no harm in celebrating these days; life has become so
busy in this modern world so let’s consider these days as a small reminders
towards our duties. There is no harm taking your mother out for dinner on
Mother’s day; but if you are going to neglect her for the remaining 364 days of
the year, you have actually not understood the purpose of that day.
one must show affection towards one’s spouse throughout the year; you don’t
need one specific day for this purpose but like I said, take it as an
opportunity out of your busy schedule to spend some lovely time with your
spouse; or for instance, any of your beloved one; it could be parents,
siblings, friends etc.
have written numerous times that HARAM is a very tough condition; you can’t
just label anything as HARAM. Remember, the sin itself is Haram but the steps
taking you towards the sin are not Haram but highly disliked to save you from
reaching the sin. For example; being in a relationship is not haram; Islam
doesn’t forbid Love. Haram is what you indulge in while being in a
relationship. Kissing, hugging, making out; all these acts are Haram. But if
you are in a platonic relationship (Non-Physical), you are not doing anything
Haram. Yes, it is highly recommended not to be in any kind of relationship
other than Nikah because we human beings are weak and there is a high
probability that we would eventually fall for the sin. But still, if one has
managed to stay away from zina, his or her relationship is not haram. Disliked,
probably but Haram, no! Try to understand, Haram is the last resort, Haram is
something that cannot be done at any cost. Missing prayers is Haram, Alcohol is
Haram, Lying is Haram; these are some of the examples of something which is
completely Haram and one cannot debate on it.
Also Read: Dear Muslims, What is Halal and Haram
back to Valentine’s Day. I personally don’t take it seriously and I don’t
understand the hype either. Like I said, if I love someone, I don’t need to
wait for 14th February to express my love. But why most of the
scholars label it as Haram? Because, look around you, who is hyped up for this
day? All those in haram relationship. Those in Halal relationship are not even
bothering because their love is for 365 days. And those Haram couples are so
hyped up to perform zina on this day. But the fact is, that it’s not like these
couples wait all year for this particular day to do a sin, they do it all the
time. So it’s their sin, their intention for this day which is Haram, the day
itself is not haram. As per my knowledge, no one preaches Valentine’s Day to be
a day of adultery. It’s simply marketed as a day of Love. Now if your Love is
Haram, it’s on you, not on the day.
be practical. Like I said, I personally neither hate this day nor prepare
myself to celebrate it. But at this day and age, we can’t contain it and it is
not something that would make you such a grave sinner. Instead of labeling it
as Haram which will serve no purpose because people will still gonna do what
they wanna do; why don’t we take the opportunity to spread knowledge of Halal
love on this day? Why don’t Universities and Colleges conduct seminars teaching
the young about what Halal Love is? What to do and what not to do when one
falls in Love? Why don’t we conduct seminars for parents teaching them about
relationships and how they can save their children from Haram relationships?
the end of the day, it is just a DAY. We can celebrate it in a Halal way.
Offices can allow staffs to leave early to spend lovely evening with their
spouses. Why don’t we take this opportunity to empower Halal Love?
who are planning to make unlawful love on this day, Allah will punish you like
He will punish you for the other days too. Don’t take it easy. If your
intention is to take a BACHI out for time pass, you actually are ignorant of
this day because this day is about PURE LOVE. With such wicked intentions, you
are actually doing the opposite of what this day preaches.
of leg pulling, fighting and abusing others of their beliefs, try to get to the
roots and understand facts. Religion is not blind; there is always logic and
reason behind every religious law.
VALENTINE’s DAY and ISLAM – Is it Really Haram?
Reviewed by Haider Afridi

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