Relationship Advice to young Boys and Girls
On the serious note, as a 28 years old unmarried person, I now understand why NIKAH COMPLETES HALF YOUR DEEN.
I try to practice deen as much as I can, I try not to sin, I try not to lie,
not to harm anyone, I try to do good deeds, I strive to become a better and
better Muslim. But, being unmarried and socially inactive, the urges not only affects me physically but mentally and spiritually too, it even does affect my
Ibadah, I couldn't have that KHUSHU o KHUZU that is required when bowing in
front of the Lord.
Time to time, I
feel like standing at the edge, just a step away from falling. When I was in
Dubai, I almost gave up; bars, clubs and prostitution is easily accessible in
Dubai, I seriously considered it. But then, two things always retract me, fear
of Allah and thought of my Future Wife.
Quran says,
Good Women are for good Men, and Bad Women are for Bad men and vice versa.
Every time I feel like giving up, I think of my wife and my life with her, I
say to myself that if I want a pious wife, I have to be pious; I can't do
things that I don't want my better half doing.
Sometimes, I
wish to join dating and chatting apps, so that I can talk to someone and relax
myself a bit; but then I think, what if my future wife doing the same on such
Dear young boys
and girls, refrain from Haram as much as you can. Keep yourself pure for the sake
of your spouse, Allah will bless your marriage. Refrain from time pass, don't
destroy your golden tomorrow for a few mins of laugh.
I know it's
hard, in this age of fitnah, it is very hard to lower gazes and to protect
one's chastity, but be patient and believe in Allah. Think of the beautiful
time you would have with your spouse. Think how beautiful it would be to touch
and feel someone for the first time that would be yours forever. Think how
beautiful it would be for having lips that have touched no one but your spouse
Stay positive,
be patient, be strong. May Allah protect our chastity and our deen.

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