Japanese Mentality is better than Pakistan - According to Paradise

 Recently, a well known Tiktok star questioned Pakistani mentality and decided to move to Japan, and this is not the first time we have heard statements like these, an actress recently also replied in a similar way on Instagram.

So, is it really a world of paradise outside the boundaries of Pakistan? I don't think so. Let me elaborate it, let me share the psychology behind this, I myself am a Overseas Pakistani for over 23 years, so I know pretty well what the world is like outside our borders.

People living abroad usually live in a diverse place, we coexist with people of different nationalities, race, color, religion etc. There is hardly any sense of bond between them, everyone is busy in their limited lives, home to work and work to home, that's the whole month schedule of majority of us.

And naturally, we tend to be cautious around the people we know. For example, if you are smoking and hiding it from your parents, you will be always cautious in your town because you know that someone can pop up out of nowhere. But if you go out of town, you won't be cautious because chances are very slim of getting caught by someone you know.

We all have to keep appearances, it's just that we keep appearances for the people that matter to us. Now in your own community, there is always this sense of bond, we are a clan, right or wrong but people are spiritually together; we will always be cautious around our own people because we know each other very well, we know characteristics of each other. Let me give an example.

Just imagine, let's say, for some reason, it is bad to own a Land cruiser in Pakistan, someone who owns a land cruiser is considered an evil person. Now you may not be an evil person, but if you will buy a land cruiser, you will be seen as a bad person in Pakistan, because somehow it has become a perspective. But, now you go to some other country where there is nothing wrong in owing a Land cruiser, you won't face any problem, because you won't find your people there, you will be living with different people of different backgrounds.

Similarly, the place you are living in will have the same perspectives too for some other thing; may be it would be wrong to own a BMW in Japan, so you won't buy a BMW in Japan.

So, it's not like people are better in other countries, it simply means they don't care because they actually don't know you, there is no such connection. But ask the natives of those country and you will find them complaining the same about their people, this psychology is global. That is the reason why you have Pakistani following on social media despite living in other countries. I guess 10 million Japaneses won't be interested in paradise- majority of them are atheists anyways.

Go to some social media pages of different countries and you will be amazed to see that how similar people are around the globe.

And one more thing, tourism is a completely different thing. A tourist is a 'Mehman' anywhere in the world. Even we respect our tourists. So if you are visiting a country for a couple of days and you feel like freedom, you are in illusion, try spending your life there, try bonding with the local people and try to go against their traditions and then we will see how open minded they are.

Most of the time, we feel freedom in so called open minded countries because when we reach there, we become one of them, we adopt their traditions. Try being a real practicing Muslim in any of these open minded countries, wear proper Islamic Clothes, have a hijab, burqa, a proper beard, at the time of prayer, make wudu in some public place, offer namaz in some public place, and then see if no one will bother you.

No one bothers you when you become one of them, when you wear what they wear, when you drink, dance, pubs, bars, etc. Try to be different, try to be a real Pakistani Muslim and then see how open minded they are.

I am not bashing anyone. Good and people exist everywhere. I always say, we ain't the best, but we ain't the worst either.

Japanese Mentality is better than Pakistan - According to Paradise Japanese Mentality is better than Pakistan - According to Paradise Reviewed by Haider Afridi on 13:09:00 Rating: 5

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