Is Model Zara Abid Jahannumi?
Pakistani model Zara Abid was an unfortunate victim of the ill-fated
PIA flight that crashed in Karachi a few days ago. Upon hearing the news of her
demise, I saw some posts where people were arguing about her fate after death.
One side was extremely harsh saying that because she was a model, she is going
to be punished in Hell while the other side was extremely soft quoting that we
shouldn’t be giving judgments for someone who is dead especially for someone
who has died in the holy month of Ramadan and a blessed day Friday.
I would like to shed some light on this whole issue by
giving some in detail explanations on how both the sides are wrong up to some
First of all, there is nothing wrong in judging others; it’s
a basic human instinct. We all make choices based on our judgments and most of
our judgments rely on what we see. In fact, we all want to be judged; our
selection of clothes is based on how well people will judge our status; the
amount of photo editing on top of beauty filters before uploading a photo on
internet is because we want people to judge us; the issue rises only when the judgments
are against us. So this argument is totally wrong that people shouldn’t be
judgmental; every human being judges and there is nothing wrong in it unless
our judgments are intended to degrade people.
Now, no doubt that Zara Abid might have a very different
side of her personality which we don’t know; probably – along with being a
model – she was also good with religion in other aspects and was closer to
Allah than many of us. But, we will judge only on the basis of what side is
shown to us and for us, she was a model and modeling, wearing obscene clothes
is against the teachings of Islam. And there are hadith that say women who wear
such obscene clothes won’t enter in paradise.
But, we should understand that Prophet Muhammad PBUH was not
only a Messenger of Allah but also a teacher. Not all of His words could have
the exact same interpretation. Just like a normal teacher not always say what he
means; teachers scold us, threaten us, frighten us just for the sake of our
betterment and sometimes they say harsh words which are meant to be warnings so
that we don’t indulge in evil. So, there is no doubt that wearing obscene
clothes are indeed a sin but it also doesn’t mean that the clothes are the only
ticket for Paradise. Allah will judge us as a whole; our good deeds and bad
deeds will be weighed and even then, it will be Allah’s discretion to forgive us
or punish us.
I am all in support for preaching; everyone preaches in what
he believes; whether religion, politics, games etc. But especially the
religious preaching is meant to bring people to light, not to defame or
abuse. Every Muslim is obliged to preach
and bring people closer to Allah but once a person dies, we are no one to judge
the fate of that person; now it is completely a matter of her and Allah. We
have no authority or even slightest of knowledge that to whom Allah will forgive
and who will face His wrath. We are supposed to make dua for the deceased. And
if we know that someone was on the wrong path - even then instead of bashing –
we should pray more on behalf of that person; give charity, read Quran, Nafl
with intentions of sending rewards to that person.
And remember, the person who dies have loved ones left
behind and our harsh comments will only swell their wounds which Allah don’t
But, we are also not supposed to be very soft. Indeed, Zara
Abid died doing something that Allah and His Prophet PBUH highly dislike and
disapprove of. And just for the sake of preaching and warning people who are
alive, there is no harm in giving examples of her that life is unpredictable;
we never know when the Angel of death knocks on our door; are we prepared? Do
we want to die doing something against the teachings of Islam? And especially
when our work is published all over media and social media and it will keep
We often hear the argument that
Islam is more than clothes. This argument is so vague. And it’s not just about
clothes; the thing is that we don’t take sins seriously anymore. Any sin that
we are indulged in – intentionally or unintentionally – we take it lightly and
if warned, we are told that you don’t know, may be the person is very pious on
the other side. Well, there is a big MAY BE.
And remember, if one good deed can
wipe away all your sins then there is an equal chance that one sin can wipe
away all your good deeds. And especially sinning and being ignorant about it is
the worst form of sin.
Are we more pious than Prophet Adam
A.S? He was expelled from the Paradise and then He repented for a long time and
finally Allah accepted His repentance but still Allah didn’t grant him Paradise
right away; in fact, He was made to face the hardships of this world and had to
earn the right to enter Paradise again. All of it for what? Just for picking a
fruit from a tree that Allah forbad. There was nothing wrong with the fruit or
the tree but this demonstration was meant for us to give us life lessons and
one of the lessons is that even if you are pure, even if you never sinned in
your life, still one small act of disobedience can take you from dawn to dusk.
And one more clarification; I have
researched and came to know that there is no authentic Hadith that a person who
dies in Ramadan or on Friday is a martyr and will be forgiven right away. There
is a hadith that if someone dies by a wall falling on him, the person will be a
martyr and because of this hadith, scholars assume that any death from
accidents make you martyr but there is absolutely no guarantee. The reason for
this clarification is that some people are living in a fantasy that no matter
how evil a person was but if he died in Ramadan or on a Friday or in Makkah;
all sins will be forgiven which is absolutely wrong. Once we die, we won’t have
any chance to rectify our deeds so instead of hoping to die on a blessed day,
we should focus on our deeds.
So be it Zara Abid or any other
person who seems to be a non-practicing Muslim dies, we should be making more
dua instead of giving Jahannum certificates. Yes- for the sake of preaching -
we should also warn people but in a dignified manner on a right time. And
always remember that a model could weigh more in good deeds and a Hijabi could
be empty on good deeds. It is ok to judge people on what is visible to us but
we should always give a benefit of doubt because we are looking at just one
side of that person and have no clue about the other side.
May Allah forgive all who have died
and give hidaya to all those alive.
Is Model Zara Abid Jahannumi?
Reviewed by Haider Afridi

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