We all are well aware that Mosques around the world have been closed including the Grand Mosques of Makkah and Madina due to the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus. But in Pakistan and other Asian countries, it is still a matter of debate.

No doubt that religion indeed provides flexibility and one’s prayer will be accepted at home. The concerns of the authorities are justified but the matter itself is pretty much complex.

Coronavirus is not that serious. Call me an idiot or whatever but it is a fact that the modern era of technology has made humans weaker physically, mentally and spiritually. And media along with social media acts as a fuel in burning fire. Fear is more deadly than the virus itself.

What would have happened if Coronavirus was happened back in the day in an era without media and medical advancement? People would have lived their life normally and deaths would have been much lesser. Think about it, there is no cure for this virus; all the safety precautions are the ones that are taught to us by our religion to perform on daily basis. Doctors are treating the symptoms, not the virus. So if this all would have happened back in the day, people would have treated the symptoms by home remedies or DESI MEDICINES and would have cured themselves without any fear. But today, we heavily rely on medical advancements and yet we have become so weak. I am not against science or progress but look around you, all the advancement has eventually destroyed our planet and our lives. We are living an artificial life.

I once heard that Allah has mentioned in Quran that there are thousands of things hidden in the universe – including our earth – that if human beings come to know, they will get crazy. That has been proved even more in this current situation. The more we have learned about germs and all, we have become so afraid. What we have forgotten is that Allah has made human body with perfection; our bodies have the ability to fight germs but for that, we have to maintain a healthy lifestyle that should not heavily rely on artificial medicines. And it is actually good to consume germs time to time to make our internal organs strong. I will give you an example which you can easily verify.

We all know that hygiene is not the best in Pakistan. The food quality is also not the best especially for average consumers. People who live overseas always get sick when they visit Pakistan on vacations; that include me. The reason is that overall hygiene and food quality is way better in other countries such as Middle East or West. I myself come from Kuwait. But not everyone that comes from Kuwait gets sick. Some gets more, some gets less and some doesn’t at all. The reason depends on our lifestyle in Kuwait. There are people in Kuwait who eats well, who get proper medical checkups; in short, they live a very privileged life. Such people will get more sick if they do not take precautionary measures while in Pakistan because their body is not used to germs and low quality food. But then there are people who despite living in Kuwait live a very average life, they consume average food and near to no proper health care. Such people will get sick mildly. But then there are MAZDOORS, people who live hand to mouth, not much quality food even in Kuwait, no proper healthcare and lots of hard work; such people do not get sick at all because their body is used to the conditions that exist in Pakistan.

Same thing is happening now. The virus is more dangerous for the people who have been relying highly on medicines and they are the most afraid which is justified. Let me clear, I am not defaming anyone; of course anyone with money will live the similar lifestyle. And it also doesn’t mean that middle class or poor are immune. It all depends on one’s personal immune system. But one should not be so much afraid of the germs as being shown through animations on different social platforms. Like I mentioned above, Allah had them hidden for reason, and nothing is created in this world without a reason or a cure. People have lived thousands of years on this planet and have happily co-existed with germs and lived a healthy life; in fact much healthier than the advanced era.

So when I said above that Coronavirus is not that serious, this is what I meant. But of course, now because we live in this era, so we have to act like everyone else but I always urge to maintain balance between DUA and DAWA.

Now about the closure of Mosques; I explained all the above things to make this point. If this was back in the day, Mosques would have remained open; in fact, if there were fear of plague, people would have been more actively praying in congregations. But because now we have seen the hidden, we are so afraid to even stand with someone.

It’s all about our faith overall. How we have neglected the teachings of Allah. How much we have been running for the world, how much we have lost in the worldly entertainment. So yeah, Mosques should be closed because we don’t have the same faith anymore. We think about the world even while praying. Our faith has also become artificial, our prayers have become artificial. Our priority is to make videos and selfies while performing Umrah. So yeah, Mosques should be closed because Mosques are not the same anymore. Mosques should have been the place where a believer enters with the virus and leaves without it.

I have been praying in the Mosque mostly because I live in a very less populated area and even the Mosques are not crowded. I did pray Jumma last week and today also. But now the Mosques in our area are closed. I am glad that I went today for the Jumma because I could have never felt how it feels to hear about the closing of the Mosque. The Imam was crying, people were crying; and no, these were not the hypocrites, these were the believers due to whom the earth is still alive. Allah has mentioned that the Day of Judgment won’t arrive until there is one believer left on earth.

I know it is not a big deal, it’s just the Mosque which is closed not the prayers, we can still pray at our homes. But it is a big deal for the believers. Those with the worldly priorities won’t understand. I am not judging anyone, indeed one can’t see inside a heart. But aren’t people so worried about economy, business and all the worldly affairs? It’s simple; anything is a big deal if it concerns you.

I am not a very big fan of our Mullahs but is it just the Mullahs with stubbornness? I heard an anchor person saying that the government is the one to decide, not the Mullahs. How sweet. When the government takes action against the wicked media, they scream to their cores. Why don’t they let the government take the action then? Similarly, every field reacts in the same way, everyone plays their victim cards. The countries that we have been giving examples of are all ruled under dictatorships.

I have written an article which I want you to read that explains the more deadly viruses we been spreading in our societies for Decades.

Now when the decision has been made, I will honor it and everyone should. Stay home, pray at home and take all the precautionary measures and have faith in Allah.

I am very happy with the decision that at least the Imam, Moezzen and the Masjid staff will pray to keep the Mosque alive. Completely closing the Mosques like the Middle East did was very heart breaking.

Like I said, I am glad I went to Jumma prayer today. I felt a lot of things. In the normal days, I hardly prayed the regular prayers at Mosque, I used to pray at home due to my laziness which I won’t justify. But today I realized that when I had the chance, I always missed it and today Allah has taken that chance away from me. So I promise to myself that once this is all over and Mosques re-open, I won’t let my laziness stop me from going to the Mosque. In Sha Allah

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