One of the most unfortunate problem of the modern world is that
people have side cornered the most important asset of life; which is, Religion.
Either people have stopped believing in God or have no time for God. Those who
don’t believe in God are inspired by the wonders of science but obnoxiously
ignore the wonders of the nature which God has created as one of his signs. And
those who don’t have time for God are not much different either; they do
believe in God but rather prefer running after the artificial wonders.
Religion is like an instruction manual on how to live on this
earth. No one is genius enough to know every aspect of life, providing that
there are billions of people and almost everyone is different from one another;
be it financially, physically, mentally or the surroundings, the neighborhoods,
the challenges, the resources etc.
When you buy something new from market which you have never used
or assembled before; you need an instruction manual; you cannot assemble the
item without any guidance. Even if you have slight information, you will still
mess up; and even if you succeed without the instructions; that item may look
like working fine but because it is not assembled in a way it was supposed to
be; its life span will be shorter. Religion too is not just for your present;
it plays an important role in shaping your future. All the small acts which
seem normal today will have a greater effect in your life later.
God created the world and provided instructions in the form of
religion. The religion outlines the dos and don’ts and these are for our
betterment, not just to please the God. Look around you; since people have left
looking for the instructions from the Religion and started making their own as
per their own likings, the world has become more messed up. In a race towards
space, we forgot to live our lives.
Career and Money has become our goal and in order to achieve
that; we sacrifice our very limited life. The biggest sacrifice we made is by
destroying the family system for our selfish desires. Money doesn’t last long;
family does. Money won’t comfort you in your old age; but family will.
Religion tells you what to earn, how to earn, how much to earn,
how to spend, what to eat, how much to eat and what not to eat, how to behave,
how to speak, what to wear, how to sell, how to buy, how to meet, how to leave
etc. Religion is supposed to be part of your every breath. Religion is not just
a private matter; it is supposed to be a part of your education, your office,
your streets, your government, your shops etc. Religion is not just praying
five times a day or having a beard or wearing a burqa. God will not only hold
you accountable if you believed in Him or not; God will ask you about your
life; how you spent it; how you spent the resources God blessed you with.
Non-believers often question God’s hard actions such as
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, accidents etc. God has to maintain balance because we
human beings are the ones who are constantly disturbing the nature for our own
luxuries. Sometimes harsh decisions have to be made for greater goods. You all
must be aware of the recent Bush fire in Australia which resulted in havoc. Now
there is water shortage in Australia and the Australian government sanctioned
to kill over 10,000 Camels to save water. They had to take a hard decision for
the greater good but when the same is instructed by the religion; God is cruel?
How can there be no God or the life hereafter? The world is a
paradise only for the rich and powerful. So it means the middle class and the
poor are born just to struggle and will turn into dust? Why one section of the
world has all the resources and the other has none? What about those victims
who are still waiting for the justice in this world?
God created the imperfect world for a reason and that is why the
life of this world is a trial rather than a luxury. God could have created the
world with unlimited resources and no harmful objects but then what would be
the purpose of life at all? God has a perfect world of Angels who do not sin,
who are pious and pray to God 24/7. We are just one of the billions other
creations of the God.
A human being does not sin for two fears. One is the fear of God
and the other is the fear of society or the law. The fear of God is more
crucial because the society or the law is not watching you everywhere all the
time; but God is. If a human being bear in mind that all his actions are being
recorded and will be presented on the Day of Judgment; crime will wipe out. God
even knows what’s in your heart.
All the hardships or unanswered prayers will never go in vain;
God will reward you if not in this world, then in the world hereafter. This
world is just a temporary place while Paradise or Hell is eternal. Ask
yourself; what are you preparing for?
The modern world has so many groups. There are socialism,
communism, feminism, veganism, classicism, secularism etc. Each group has its
own agenda and the purpose is just to be superiors than the others. You ask one
question from 100 people of the same group and you won’t get even a 50%
agreement because these are all human made groups with main motives of personal
interests. Humans only create or build something for individuals or group
representing just one aspect of life. While religion takes into the consideration
each and every person with each and every aspect.
Even if these groups have sincere motives, they don’t realize
that not everyone have the same resources. For example Vegans, their motive is
good, they care for animals but they do not look at the broader picture.
Firstly, the overpopulation will also be a problem; just like I gave an example
above about killings of camels in Australia. And secondly, you may have vegan
options because you have money and resources.
People with less money and less resources can’t bother caring
for animals; they have to kill their appetite by the legal means that God
provided them. It’s easy to care for others when you have the luxury; try the
same without money. If religion allows you to kill an animal, it also teaches
you to respect it and not be excessive. Religion emphasize on maintaining
balance rather than exploiting resources for luxuries.
There is a problem though and it is not in the religion but with
the religious people; they do the same thing which other groups do;
misrepresent. They preach religion which they deem fit. But the difference
between human made groups and the religion is that you don’t have to listen to
a person; you have the word of God and His Messenger which you can read and
learn on your own.
Research religion the way you research science. Don’t look at
the people. You don’t dismiss the existence of science due to a single mad
scientist; then why such behavior with the religion?
The world is busy teaching you about your rights while the
responsibilities are equally important. A human being is supposed to sacrifice,
compromise for others; specially the loved one. You don’t live just for
yourself; you live for your loved ones too.
You don’t live once only; you live forever; in the hearts of
your beloved ones and your soul lives forever in the world hereafter. You just
teleport from this temporary place to the actual world where you will live
forever. The fate of your eternal life depends on the life you lived here. Your
troubles, your sacrifices, nothing is pointless; you will be rewarded soon in
the best possible way. Have faith in the Almighty; He never neglects His
creation. All He demand is a small portion of your time. God allows you to
enjoy the world but in limits provided by Him. Someone shared with me;
‘Religion does not dismiss your desires; it just disciplines them’.
Dear brother and sisters; make your faith in God strong if you
want a peaceful life. Always look at the people who are living in lower
standards than yours. The world, the life is not perfect. We are imperfect in
an imperfect world. God doesn’t want us to be perfect; he wants us to be
HUMANS. God is the most merciful; He knows your intentions. Take one step
towards God; God will take four steps towards you because His love for His
creation is several times more than the love of a mother.
Don’t to be too busy for God or you will be lost in this world
of depression. Take some time, sit alone in dark and try to find the purpose of
Reviewed by Haider Afridi

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