Please stop letting men exploit you. Yes, it is your fault and no, I am not talking about your dress.

I won’t get into the religious stuff nor am I going to emphasize on how important hijab is and what actually hijab means. Let’s just cut to the chase.

I am not talking about all the women because with all due respect, just like men, there are evil women too. I am talking about the soft hearted tulips who requires care, affection and true love. A woman who wants to be treated like a baby. A woman who is so easy to play with and an easy target for lustful men. Please, just don’t be an easy target. Your shyness, your soft heart is not a weakness; it is a gem, so don’t let men take advantage of it. It is your right to be treated like a Queen, given that you have a gentleman that you too take care of.

So you are in a relationship and your prince charming keeps you happy. He drives you around, he buys you lunch, he buys you gifts and then he take you to someplace so that he can show you how much he loves you. He will hug you, kiss you and some will even get to the end. And in most of the cases, you ladies don’t want it to happen, you always know it is wrong but the man manipulates you, OH COME ON BABY, YOU DON’t TRUST ME, I LOVE YOU, WE WILL MARRY SO IT IS ALL NORMAL. Well, if it is all normal, ask him to go talk to his parents and come with a proper proposal. How many times he has changed the topic when you asked about marriage?

I understand, we men need time to get stable but, if a man truly loves you, he will wait to get you. Love is not just between bodies, it’s between souls. If he can’t stay away from your body, he isn’t in love. The moment you will stop giving up on his demands, he will lose interest in you and move on to the next target.

Islam or our society is not against love, it’s against the method where one’s dignity is compromised. And by no means am I ignoring a man who has multiple affairs. I have such friends who take women just for fun and I always tell them on their face that how characterless they are. If a boy and a girl are in an illicit relationship, both are culprits and I find it disgusting, I know, unfortunately most of the time, only the women is scrutinized even though majority of the time she just fell prey. Ladies, you are superior to men in character, protect it. I am not justifying wrongdoings of men, I hate such men who can’t be loyal to a woman, I just can’t understand why you can’t be happy with one woman but probably this is how men are made, this is the reason that even when men are told about Jannah, the emphasize is on Hoors.

So please, don’t fall for the sweet words of men, they will try all sort of tactics to gain your trust and try to prove how much they love you but believe me, true love does never have to be proved. Because true love is unconditional. It doesn’t require materialistic stuff. Stop giving up your dignity over a lunch or a mere gift, you are way more valuable than that.

A true man will wait for you no matter how long he has to because physical love lasts for few minutes, but spiritual love last forever. And if you are currently in such a relationship where you feel you are being taken advantage of, try it, stop letting your man being physical with you, tell her that you want to wait until you both get married, if he is sincere, he won’t question it and will accept it but if he isn’t loyal and is just after your body, you will notice him changing pretty quick.

I wrote it yesterday too, keep yourself pure guys and wait for that magical night, there is a reason why a wedding night has so much hype. And besides, even if your man is sincere, are you certain that you will get married? Things happen, may be you both are not destined to be married; will you be able to forget all those illicit moments? And remember, Allah has mentioned in Quran, pure men gets pure women and vice versa.

I am sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings but I truly feel devastated looking at today’s relationships. These are not relationships; these are desperations, thanks to the media. And not only ladies, my message is for men too, respect your lady, honor her dignity because if today you honor her, tomorrow someone will honor your daughter’s dignity. Love is a responsibility and as a man, it’s your responsibility to protect her even if she is not destined for you.

Spread this message around. Peace

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