I have often seen people getting rude with staff, be it in a mall, a restaurant or a plane.
Please keep this in your mind that those people are working hard to provide for their family. They work extra hours with harsh conditions while most of you work in a luxury office with all sorts of comforts. Most of you just want to show your dominance over those poor people which is so wrong. It doesn't makes you of a high character but the opposite.
Those workers are also human beings, they get frustrated too. Sometimes in rush hours, these people have to tackle all sort of mess, they have to work like a machine without getting anything extra. So be humble, instead of making things hard for them, try to make them relax. You may have received your food cold, wrong or late during rush hour, ignore it, it's just food, look around you, it's not their carelessness, they are just having a hard time so instead of yelling and making things even harder for them, try to be cooperative.
And sometimes, people fight with the staff over stupid reasons. Why are you arguing about price to a waiter or a cashier? Why are you humiliating him? He is not the decision maker, he is just an employee who follows the rules. You want to fight about the price or any other service which you find objectionable, go find the owner and fight him, that poor staff person doesn't have the authority to change the price.
Even if the staff makes a mistake, don't yell at him or show dominance, try to resolve the matter as humbly as possible. Nowadays it's like a power show, one would record and upload trying to be a hero. Respect is not just for the rich or powerful people, respect is for every human being. If you disrespect someone of lower status, remember, there are many above your status too that could humiliate you in a same manner. Remember Karma.
Don't make life hard for these hard earners, you are just buying something which in most cases is not even a necessity for you. You basically are humiliating someone just for your luxury. You make life easy for them and Allah will make it easy for you on the day of judgement.
Reviewed by Haider Afridi

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